
Product of the week: Bakery Cookie Jar


Inspired by the quaint country village, this white cookie jar comes from my home range at Debenhams. Designed in the shape of a bakery, it is crafted from stoneware with a lovely floral trim and a scrumptious cake display in the window. It features an air tight lid, perfect to keep those biscuits fresh.

Get your whilst stocks last exclusively at Debenhams, £20

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  1. Hi Ashley, My Name Hana from Jakarta Indonesia, am the big fan on your collection, I buy lots of your brand Ashley Thomas at Home at Debenhams Jakarta. But sadly ... debenhams Jakarta no longer has your brand. So it difficult to have your new collection. I love this jar .. where I can buy? Thank you

    1. Hi Hana, this product is now out of stock. You can try Debenhams customer services on...0844 800 8877 and quote the Item No.3320514014
