
9 September 2013

Petits Fours: Génoise sponge with chocolate ganache

You'll need...

For the génoise sponge
3 eggs
75g caster sugar
75g self-raising flour
Vanilla essence
Apricot Jam

For the chocolate ganache
100g Chocolate
100ml double cream

Whisk together the eggs and the sugar using a electric whisk for 5 mins. 
The mixture should be thick and frothy, and the whisk should leave a trial when 
you take it out of the mixture.
Add a few drops of vanilla essence and fold in the flour gently.
Pour into a large tray (lined with baking parchment) so the mixture is shallow.
Bake for 20mins at 200oC

Meanwhile break the chocolate into squares, put into a bowl with the cream.
Melt the chocolate on a bain marie until completely mixed and allow to cool.

Once baked leave the sponge to cool on a wire rack.
Cut the sponge into little 1inch squares and spread with a little apricot jam
Swirl over the chocolate ganache and sandwich two squares together.
Decorate as you wish, cherries work really well or I used these pretty wafer flowers

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